i am very grateful for my fans! thank you all very much!
i have 5 songs now with over 1k listens, and i have never gotten on the top 5 of the week or 30 of the week.
thank you all so much!
all 42 people with me on fav artists:
Viewing 1-42 of 42 users.
1. 15thDimension
2. Adamaja456
3. AqUaTiCmOnKeY
4. Arkez
5. bobabibob
6. ChaoZDance
7. Craptaco
8. DantasticDan
9. DaveGuy
10. DethNight001
11. DJ-Babokon
12. DjClyme
13. DJPureSuffer
14. DoodleDemon
15. Drgn01
16. Etox
17. FangedLuciferous
18. firasmith
19. Fisky
20. Flyinguy
21. gomugomuno
22. IceMasterDlux
23. Ingrosch
24. Jacobdn
25. killer789
26. kirja100
27. KiwiOverdrive
28. poplol24
29. Prodigal
30. ShellShockNinja
31. Sideik666
32. sticky2u
33. stratkat
34. SummerSalt
35. TheImortalCJ
36. Tofu-Master
37. truemasterhaseo
38. tshah21
39. Winktard
40. wolfpaw8
41. xXsnowbladeXx
42. xxxcliftonxxx
stay awesome fans!